Viking Link Project
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GEOSIGHT was commissioned by DEME to conduct a dimensional control survey of the new build jack up vessel ’Apollo’. The survey was conducted whilst the vessel was jacked up out of the water in the Vlissingen shipyard, Netherlands, between the 30th – 31st August 2018.
The dimensional control survey included the following procedures:
For the purpose of this dimensional control survey, all measured nodes were established within a tolerance of ±0.005m relative (at the 95% confidence level) in X, Y and Z. The rotations of sensors around the X, Y and Z axis were determined by the dimensional control survey to within ±0.02 degrees (at the 95% confidence level).
Service: Dimension Control Survey
Purpose of Survey: New build of jack up vessel ‘Apollo’
Client: DEME
Environment: Raised out of the water
Location: Vlissingen, Netherlands
Year: 2018
Timescale: 4 days
Equipment: Leica TCRP 1201 Total Station, Leica TS12 Total Station, Leica GX1230 GG GNSS Receiver, Leica Precision 360 & Circular Prisms
Output: Comprehensive Dimension Control Survey Report, 3D .DWG